¡Este último trimestre del año es una locura de celebraciones en EEUU!
Empezamos con Halloween, las calabazas, el trick & treat y los disfraces; continuamos con el famoso pavo del día de Thanksgiving y el crazy shopping de Black Friday y sin darnos cuenta la ciudad ya está llena de decoraciones navideñas y villancicos.
Nueva York es espectacular en cualquier mes, y sin duda puede presumir ser de aquellas ciudades que tienen turismo todo el año NON STOP; pero si hay una época en la que la Gran Manzana es especialmente popular (¡¡y muy merecidamente, porque es la número 1) es en Navidad.
Este año estaremos aquí todas las fiestas y estoy muy dispuesta a empaparme de todo el espíritu navideño neoyorquino.
Una amiga que ya vive aquí hace un tiempo (¡gracias Rocío!) me ha pasado una to-do-list de planes que quiero compartir con vosotros. Todos aquellos que tengáis pensado visitar la City en Navidad, ¡tomad nota!
- December 3rd @7pm: Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting
- December 7th @6.30pm: Park Avenue Tree Lightening
- December 18th @7pm St Patricks Carol Singing Free Concert
- December 9th, 11th &18th @7.30pm Saint Thomas Church Christmas Concert
- December 31st: Ball Drop at Times Square
- Ir a Serendipity a tomar un hot chocolate (225 E 63rd St)
- Radio City Music Hall Rockettes, The Messiah in the Philharmonic or The Nut Cracker in Lincoln Center
- Bryant Park Christmas Village
- Patinar sobre hielo en una de las 3 pistas de hielos ¡más famosas del mundo! Central Park, Rockefeller Center y Bryant Park
- Brunch or Irish Coffee in the Central Park Boat House
- Take a look at Barneys New York, Saks off 5th and Macy's Windows. ¡Y Macy's subir al piso 9!
- Grand Central Holiday Train Show
- New Year Botanical Garden Holiday Train Show
A partir de ahora, newyorkers y visitantes tenemos mucho que hacer, recorrer y descubrir ¡todos los findes!
If there is one city in the world that is popular during this time of the year it's New York. The Big Apple has definitely earned its fame, because without any doubt it is the number ONE.
The last quarter of the year if a non-stop of holiday celebrations in The States!
Halloween is the first to come, with the trick & treat and the scary costumes. Then is time for the most famous turkey of the year, Thanksgiving, and the crazy shopping of Black Friday. And, without realizing, we are surrounded by carols and Christmas decorations.If there is one city in the world that is popular during this time of the year it's New York. The Big Apple has definitely earned its fame, because without any doubt it is the number ONE.
One of my friends that has lived here for a couple of years, told me a bunch of plans that I cannot miss, so if you are thinking on traveling to The City, write this down!
- December 3rd @7pm: Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting
- December 7th @6.30pm: Park Avenue Tree Lightening
- December 18th @7pm St Patricks Carol Singing Free Concert
- December 9th, 11th &18th @7.30pm Saint Thomas Church Christmas Concert
- December 31st: Ball Drop at Times Square
- Go to Serendipity for a hot chocolate (225 E 63rd St)
- Radio City Music Hall Rockettes, The Messiah in the Philharmonic or The Nut Cracker in Lincoln Center
- Bryant Park Christmas Village
- Ice skate in Central Park, Rockefeller Center or Bryant Park
- Brunch or Irish Coffee in the Central Park Boat House
- Take a look at Barneys New York, Saks off 5th and Macy's Windows. And go to the 9th floor at Macy's!
- Grand Central Holiday Train Show
- New Year Botanical Garden Holiday Train Show